The Powell Hotel in Newton, Texas hosts Soup Day every Tuesday from November through February unless that falls on a holiday week.
For a donation of $6.00 you can get the soup of the day, cornbread, dessert and a drink. All cooks, sponsors, volunteers and patrons do this to support the upkeep of the Powell Hotel. This historic landmark is for everyone in Newton County to enjoy.
Soup time is from 11:00-1:00 or until they run out. The counters offer dine in or take out. It’s a huge hit every week!
Soup menu and sponsor names are posted every Thursday prior to the next soup day. Please like:
What’s Happening in Newton County
Keeping Newton informed
And Newton County Daily Facebook pages for information.
The Next yummy Soup day:
December 17th
Menu: Beef Stew
Cook: Katherine and Jay Sharp
Sponsor: - Online News
As always the Friends of the Powell Hotel would like to thank Brookshire Brothers for donating all serving supplies.