Tommy Thompson and Gene Thompson reached out and invited me to sit down to discuss some of the details surrounding the information presented in Investigation Check #3. So, I did.
It challenged me to consider a couple of things that I would like to go on record to clarify about these Investigation Checks and the motives behind them.
Before that, I would like to clearly communicate what both Former Commissioner Thompson and his son had to say.
Former Commissioner Thompson stated, "I had as much right to get an appraisal as any landowner in the "Grant Buyout" process. These funds were grant monies, not taxpayer dollars."

Tommy Thompson stated, "I would like everyone to know that we were the last two to receive funds after being passed by in the first two buyouts."
It was also discussed that landowners were told in the initial buyout meetings that they could procure an appraisal for themselves.
Motives for the Investigation Checks:
The rumor mill is full of half details and one of the ways to settle the talk is to see the details in black and white.
Leadership needs accountability that can not be bullied or intimidated into silence. Part of the role of journalism is to be that accountability. If "it" cannot be discussed and debated... then what is really going on here???
Because we are Newton Outsiders, not knowing all the "names" and "old heads" who run things in this county... it gives us a unique position to clear the air or call BS on some of the things we hear.
Why do I number the Investigative Checks?
We want everyone to know that this is an ongoing process... as information comes our way, we dig and study to hopefully give a clear picture of the full story. There is a lot of sifting through rumor, documentation and more rumor that has to take place in order to present the facts. (Which is why the meetings with the Thompsons took place)
Who are the "We" and the "Us" being referred to?
Citizens, researchers and those wanting Newton to be rid of being labeled as corrupt.
Stay Tuned... there's more coming...