The President’s Honor List for the fall 2023 semester at McNeese State University, in Lake Charles, Louisiana, has been announced. To be on the President’s Honor List, an undergraduate student must earn at least a 3.5 GPA or better while carrying at least 15 semester hours. A senior eligible for graduation but carrying less than 15 hours is also eligible provided that student was on the President’s Honor List the previous semester.
Texas students who made the President’s Honor List are as follows:
Buna: Morgan Elizabeth Clark
Call: Katy Rose Peveto
Kirbyville: Avery J. Greninger
Newton: Myka M. Mendez
The McNeese Honor Roll for the 2023 fall semester has also been announced. The honor roll lists undergraduate students earning at least a 3.0 or B average while carrying 12 or more semester hours.
Texas students on the Honor Roll are as follows:
Buna: Payton Kelly Fruge
Kirbyville: James Burchett
Jasper: Kaitlyn R. Booty, Tyler G. Brown