Weekly Sheriff’s Report
August 19, 2024
Released by: Sheriff Robert Burby
Calls To Service (August 12, 2024 to August 18, 2024): The Newton County Sheriff’s Office (NCSO) answered 57 calls to service.
Jail Population: We currently have 15 inmates in the following jails;
7 housed in Newton, 4 housed in Beauregard, and 4 housed in Jasper.
Jail Transports: NCSO had 3 jail transports:
1 from NCSO to JCSO, 1 from Orange County to NCSO, & 1 from NCSO to Orange County.
The following individuals were booked into the County Jail:
Locascio, Cody Michael 08/13/24 FS Inj/Child/Elderly/Disabled Reckless BI
Peck, John Michael 08/16/24 F2 Hold for TDCJ
Knighton, Louis Travis 08/18/24 FS Theft Prop >=$2500<$30K
MB Criminal Trespass
The following calls and reports were received by NCSO:
Bon Wier: Welfare Concern, Trespassing, Civil Matter, Officer Assist x 2, Harassment, Disturbance
Deweyville: Officer Assist, Vehicle Repossession, Reckless Driving, Civil Matter, Accident, Officer Assist, Suspicious Activity
Newton (Unincorporated Limits): Terroristic Threat, Theft, Trespassing x 2
Burkeville: Officer Assist, Terroristic Threat, Assault, Welfare Concern
Toledo Bend: Disturbance x 2, Accident, Welfare Concern
Wiergate: Officer Assist, Trespassing
Jamestown: Theft
Stringtown: Extra Patrol
Liberty: Traffic Hazard
Trout Creek: Suspicious Activity x 2, Noise Complaint, Officer Assist
Pine Grove: Civil Matter, Trespassing, Disturbance, Burglary
Bleakwood: Disturbance, Property Damage, Trespassing, Theft
Kirbyville: Disturbance
Sandjack: Suspicious Activity
Call: Trespassing, Welfare Concern, Terroristic Threat, Officer Assist
Old Salem: Disturbance, Medical Call
Old Champion: Trespassing
Buna: Disturbance, UUMV