October 7, 2024
Released by: Sheriff Robert Burby
Calls To Service (September 30, 2024, to October 6, 2024): The Newton County Sheriff’s Office (NCSO) answered 51 calls to service.
Jail Population: We currently have 13 inmates in the following jails;
9 housed in Newton, 3 housed in Beauregard, and 1 housed in Jasper.
Jail Transports: NCSO had 1 jail transport:
1 from NCSO to doctor appointment.
The following individuals were booked into the County Jail:
Woods, Quincy Charles 10/04/24 MA Crim Trespass Habit/Shltr/Suprfund/
Lewis, Tyler Christian 10/05/24 MA Poss Marij <= 4OZ > 2OZ
SCAM ALERT: We received a call from out-of-state informing us of a scam involving an elderly citizen who sent cash money to a P.O. Box in Newton County. We were able to locate the money and return it to the sender. Federal authorities were notified, and an investigation is being conducted.
The following calls and reports were received by NCSO:
Bon Wier: Suspicious Activity x 3, Officer Assist, Trespassing x 2
Deweyville: Criminal Mischief, Trespassing, Officer Assist x 3, Suspicious Activity x 2, 4-Wheeler Call, Disturbance, Alarm
Newton (Unincorporated Limits): Animal Nuisance, Civil Matter, Harassment, Illegal Dumping, 911 Hangup, Disturbance, Officer Assist, Welfare Concern, Mental Health, Accident, Burglary x 2, Lift Assist
Toledo Bend: Theft x 2, Officer Assist
Mayflower: Animal Nuisance
Burkeville: Theft, Fraud
Liberty: Officer Assist
Jamestown: Animal Nuisance
Pine Grove: Suspicious Activity, Fire
Bleakwood: Harassment, Officer Assist
Buckhorn: Criminal Mischief, Suspicious Activity
Singletary Sites: Suspicious Activity
Trout Creek: Welfare Concern, Animal Bite, Accident
Call: Welfare Concern, Officer Assist, Harassment
