We are going to start giving our monthly fire report that we present to the city council. We believe it's important to see what we do.
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August report
Newton Volunteer Fire Department Monthly Report for August 2023
Total number of calls: 25
(a) In City: 8
(b) In County: 17
Total miles Traveled: 389
(a) In City: 22
(b) In County: 367
Total hours worked: 55 hours and 30 minutes
Average number of firemen attending calls: 5-9
Type of Calls: 25
(a) Structures Fires: 1
(b) Wildfires: 16 Acres burnt: 326. (Mutual aid assists included)
(c) MVA: 0 with Jaws: 0
(d) Vehicle Fires: 0
(e) Traffic Assists: 0
(f) Landing Zones: 2
(g) Public Services: 0
(h) Assisted Other Agencies: 1
(i) Smoke Investigations: 3
(j) Investigations Assists: 0
(k) Cancelled in route: 2
(l)Med Call: 0
(M) Fire Alarms: 0
(N) Equipment Fire: 0
Average number of firemen attending meetings: 18
Total of members on roster: 24 members+3 reserves + 4 juniors+3 auxillary
New Members: 2 firefighter, 3 auxillary, 1 junior
Truck and Conditions:
(a) Unit 60: Pump is leaking
(b) Rescue 1: Good. (Pump needs replaced)
(c) Unit 62: Good (pump needs replaced)
(d) Unit 61: Good
(e) Tanker 1: Good
(f) Unit 67: synchronizer needs replaced
(g) Unit 63: Good. ( needs bigger pump)
Back to School and Touch a Truck Event on August 5 was success. Approx 100 children received haircuts and or supplies.
Training for August:
1. Pump Operations.
2. Weather condition and how they effect fire.
3. Social Media and Sexual Harassment gone over. Paperwork signed on each.
20 new sets of wildland gear and goggles received from TFS Helping Hands Program.
$15,000 emergency grant received for replacement and repairs through TFS. No cost share required.
Grant for student pay for the Firefighter Program us Jasper applied for and accepted. No cost share.
15 hours spent in various meetings
Approx 60 hours spent cleaning the fire dept, trucks and preparing for wildland season and on standby.
Distribution Hub for Gatorade, Drinks and Snacks. Every department received an equal share
Donated was 10 pallets of water and 1 pallet of Gatorade. Liquid IV, snacks and cooling towels.
Donated 1/2 pallet of water and 10 cases of Gatorade to Merryville Fire Dept.
New windshield on Rescue.
New tires on 67
2 pumps repaired and serviced.
Preparing for Toys for Tots, Christmas Parade, Halloween and Christmas pageant.
Upcoming Jaws class in Buna set for November.
Newton Volunteer Fire Department