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Wonders sworn in today for second term as Newton County Constable Pct 4

Newton County Judge Ronnie Cochran announced Thursday, "Today I had the pleasure of swearing in Howie Wonders to his second 4 year term as Precinct #4 Constable. Howie is such a great asset to not only the residents of Precinct 4, but to all of Newton County. Congratulations Matt, keep up the great work".

Wonders said that unfortunately he and his family would be out of the area on January 1st and he could not be sworn in on that day as is tradition, so Judge Cochran agreed to hold an earlier ceremony to get it done right.

The swearing-in ceremony was held today at 11 am at the Newton County Sub-Courthouse in Deweyville. This officially rang in the new year for Wonders second term as Newton County Pct. 4 Constable.

Wonders said, "I am truly honored that you, my neighbors, friends, and family continue to have faith in me and have once again chosen me to serve you, the citizens, as your Constable. I always have and always will continue to go above and beyond, I will never stop doing whatever it takes to ensure that our neighborhoods are safe, and I will never stop taking your calls and listening to your concerns no matter how big or how small."

Wonders then reminded the public, "Your government and government officials are here TO SERVE YOU, the citizens; not the other way around. All too often, from the federal level to the local, the men and women chosen to represent their constituents tend to forget this. I will never be one of those men. My job is to uphold and enforce the laws of this state and the U.S. Constitution and I swear that is exactly what I will do."

Wonders closed by adding, "Again, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU NEWTON COUNTY PCT. 4 - Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!"


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